Monday, November 29, 2010

computer graphic assignment 2

in this semester, our computer graphic class's teacher taught us about the software "Flash". It is a wonderful tool to create simple animation. In our assignment 2, we were asked to create a short flash of a topic "1 Malaysia".

the short flash i created only consist 15 seconds. the following are the steps i done for my assignment 2.

step 1:
in order to manipulate every object easier later, i divide everything in to different layers and name them accordingly. after that, i press F8 to convert everything in movie clips.

1 create layers for every object.jpg

step 2:
i create folders to sort related object into the same folder, so that my documents are more organized and easy to be review.

2 create folders to group related object.jpg

step 3:
my flash was based on the movement of pictures and words, so i 1st made sure that my background is always in view till the last frame by pressing F5 at frame 360th.

3 makes sure the background stay till the last frame.jpg

step 4:
in order to emphasize on the word Malaysia, i made the word swooshed out the screen by using the swoosh effect under motion preset. after that, i made sure i create another frame of the word "Malaysia" till frame 360th after the motion to insure my typography did not disappear.

4 use motion preset to create swoosh effect.jpg

step 5:
i then used motion preset again to create zoom-in-2D effect to the Chinese kid image.
5 use MP to create zoom in 2D effect.jpg

step 6:
i used zoom-out-2D effect under motion preset to emphasize the main race of our country, and on the other hand, i made that image zoomed out is because it is a picture that showed happiness of children and togetherness.

6 use zoom out 2D MP.jpg

step 7:
as i had already used 3 effects before hand, this time i did not use any special effect as i do not wish to overdo the flash. i used empty frames before hand, and by the time i reaches frame 175th i press F6 so that i can insert the image.

7 no effect due to over use.jpg

step 8:
i used fly-in-left effect under motion preset at frame 218th to start the message that i wanted to show in this short flash.

8 use fly in left MP and add new frames at 218.jpg

step 9:
on the 2nd text, i played with slow to fast zoom in effect for the word "power" byclicking the object , then go to motion edition, drag my simple slow button to +100, and lastly made sure i i clicked "simple slow" at the basic motion, so that my effect will works.

after all the setting, i start dragging my word from the end point to the left, so that later on it will zoom into the image.

9 use M edition to make it slow to fast.jpg

step 10:
there is no effect on the words " ruin everything...." with the same reason stated above. but made sure the image start showing at frame 272th.

10 no effect as well.jpg

step 11:
on frame 315 to 337th, i divided the key frames into equal proportion of 4 to make fade in effect. the effect was done by clicking the picture before hand and go to properties, under style select alpha. then i adjusted the opacity of the object accordingly to show nicer effect which is very uniform.

11 click object, devide section, and select alpha for opacity.jpg

12 adjust the alpha to control opacity.jpg

With all the steps above, i had done my assignment 2.